Our products can be shipped to USA. We offer Free Shipping on USA orders.
For USA orders, the shipment we choose is Fedex / USPS , and it’s the fastest shipment. Express shipping delivery date take 3-7 Working Days.
The time frame of an order delivery is divided into two parts:
Processing Time: 1-2 business day
Average Delivery Time For US Orders: 3-7 business days
Shipping Method |
Delivery Time |
Area |
Free Shipping |
3-7 business days |
US |
You will receive two emails: one confirmation email when order placed, the second with tracking number when order shipped out.
How to track your orders?
Once your order is shipped out, you will receive an email about the tracking information.
Please allow 24 hours for the tracking information to show.
You can track the package on the following web site accordingly:
FedEx http://www.fedex.com/
USPS: https://www.usps.com/manage/
If there have any problem with the delivery status, please contact the courier before contacting us by e-mail (support@oxyspringhub.com)
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